OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. fe TTTNNOTIATTTUATCLATTIOT So o i ) n 3 Pd & aD = ) Qa ° 3) (gee Poa anrua Linn (var.,supina Gaud. )AThis is a luxuriant mountain form o* the type, probably growing under a rock,or in the shelter of a ledge - certainly not var.supina, The authority for this variety is Reichenbach (WI,Germ, Uxc, 46),or Schrad, How it got attributed to Haudin I fail to understand as he described it as P,annua IJ varia, In any case var supina Reich, should have fewer flowers,fimged with purple,and the lower _ peduncles are usually re?lexed, In *act it is almost the J.€. Lousky, opposite of your specimens, Fel. 924, Ton Annu ( Kan a ( Kaudey ) ‘~ pasaed ey Ttuttard az (tc. w) F066! A oive Kanda, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 4 ; 4 allatéy iii Ue QA t, ade VY. é. 92. E00809512 iets ; Wate uu 6.9.33. | Herb R. Mockachnia
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