OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINE, Le NITE TOOUTONI TOUTE xo] J) Pa < C3) 7) i oa] cS e)) = Ss a ° oO ef V aha 7} Latin Name... POR... ANMGA Seren has Due scunsecreseoascvaserse coe Cae. Anarysis Samples English Name. ANMYUAL meAdous GRASS S5VAl, BOTANIC GARDEN é Natural Order... GRAMINEAE. ae EDINBURGH Sent to :D. lawlhER, Locality... UB MEY. SURREY. | | cor: MSc Forensic Sutace A VARGES...COM MOA) WOGBORATS fe et I a eee es Date : dune (943 i
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