OCR text
ex HERBARIUM OF MISS I. M. HAYWARD, F: lL: 5. PRESENTED 1e4c. ow 2755 B. maxima L. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Adriatic coast, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Macedonia, Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, N. Africa, Canaries, Madeira, Isle Bourbon. Adventive in Cape Colony—-common, and in the Channel Isles, Belgium, Germany, etc., India, Austral- asia—_New South Wales, South and West Australia. A very handsome, annual species, 3-5 dm. high, erect ; leaves linear, acuminate, flat, roughish; panicle unilateral, simple, erect or slightly nodding ; branches with 1-2 spikelets, which are large, oval-subtriangular, 1-2 cm. long by 7-10 mm. broad, shining, silvery-white or reddish, of from 5-15 flowers ; fruit adherent and concave on the inner surface. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN First record : Galashiels, Selk., I. M. H., August 1912. In the bed of EDINBURGH | the Gala within the burgh of Galashiels, Selk. Flowering July | to September. Seen from 1912 to 1917. | E00810379 copyright reserved
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