OCR text
E TTTUAT OUI UOTITON TTI copyright reserved 2755 B. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Adriatic coast, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, F Macedonia, Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, N. Africa, Canaries, Madeira, Isle Bourbon. Adventive in Cape Colony—-common, and in the Channel Isles, Belgium, Germany, etc., India, Austral- A very handsome, annual species, 3-5 dm. high, erect ; leaves linear, acuminate, flat, roughish; panicle unilateral, simple, erect or slightly nodding ; branches with 1-2 spikelets, which are large, oval-subtriangular, 1-2 em. long by 7-10 mm. broad, shining, silvery-white or reddish, of from ‘5-15 flowers ; fruit adherent and concave on the inner surface. First record : Galashiels, Selk., I. M. H., August 1912. In the bed of the Gala within the burgh of Galashiels, Selk. Flowering July— to September. Seen from 1912 to 1917. RERBARIOW @e MISS 1.4. HAYWARD, F. L. 6. PRESENTED 190, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | Il E00810376 |
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