OCR text
Meee0493 sad / af U Prvthog ani crm Yacihe Wall. Ce Limdl. Determinavit: Lokesh R. Shakya » : Revised for the Flora of Nepal September 2009 xo} cy Pa i cy ® ca ad = = > Qa fe) oO Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF NEPAL [LONG. 87°-88°E.] 1956 Anthogonium gracile Wall, ex Lindl. Arun Valley, Sabhaya Khola, N.of Chainpur. 6,000ft. 16921956. Amongst long grass. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Corolla pink, iil I E00787583 | Coll. JOHN D. A. STAINTON No. 1563
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