OCR text
ISSV19 BE) BEE <Paits) a xo} cy > i bc) wo cD a on c 3 h = a fe) re) FLORA OF NEW SOUTH WALES Distributed by the HERBARIUM AUSTRALIENSE, C.S.I.R.O.. CANBERRA, A.C.T. with the request to be notified of new identifications. Coll. Michael Evans No. 2613 Date 19 Sept. 1967 Dodonga attenuata A. Cunn. Loc. DOUthern Tablelands. Western side of Tindery Mountains. North-facing slope 5 miles east of Michelago on the Michelago-— Jerangle road. Hab. Eucalyptus rossii woodland with open shrub cover. Alt. ca 3200 feet. Notes Lax shrub to 2 m high. Leaves dark green, rough, slightly shiny. Buds bright green, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN tipped with red. EDINBURGH | | Specimens (13) int CANB,NSW,K,L,A,CHR,AD 00759154 US {B) BO, BISH, LE, BRI. ’
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