OCR text
= BESaH 494994 Ze x-rite € * i MITTEN TENT SD S fen cc) n 2 mS eo (°)) = > Qa fe) oO Duplicate from Ee Bee STATE HERBARIUM OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA i ADELAIDE Dodonaea attenuata var.linearis BENTH. South Australia. Northern Flinders Range. Small Pound, north of Mt.Wallace and S.W. of Mt.Serle homestead, near main road to Nepabunna mission, which is ca. 50 km east of Gopley on railway. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN AGIAN ATTN Legb.N.Kraehenbuehl Date 1.x.1962 | | Collector’s No. 767 E00759146 Communication of new determinations will be greatly appreciated by the Adelaide Herbarium.
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