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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. THIS MATERIAL IS RESTRICTED. IT IS SUBJECT TO THE RBG KEW TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH IT WAS SUPPLIED FLORA OF ECUADOR G. P. Lewis & P. Lozano Citk are yy ur 3046 Province: Loja Macara—Zapotillo, km 12. 700-750 m 79° 59°894°°W; 4° 19°936’S 6 March 1997 Vegetation: bosque seco with Pithecellobium, Geoffroea & Piscidia. Tree, 4 m x 10 - 12 cm diam., bark shaggy, grey, peeling vertically in strips; leaves membranaceus, mid-green, paler and slightly whitish below; calyces green, buds pale yellow, flowers cream. Uncommon. Field work funded by Carlsberg Foundation & Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew MQG0589 ae | 10 copyright reserved
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