OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. BOLIVIA VERBENACEAE Aloysia virgata (Ruiz Lopez & Pavon) A. L. Jussieu A i Det. M. Nee (NY), 1990 aa GANTA CRUZ: Andres Ibanez Prevince 1 "Angostura" — - Along the eld road between Santa Cruz and Cochabamba where, caming from Santa Cruz, it first enters the deep canyon of Angostura. Ca 50 km SW of Santa Cruz. 18°10'S 6a°73e W 600 m Shrub in slope woodiand (secondary), | P Inflorescence white. S September 1990 ROVAL, Botayie GARDEN Marko Lewis 37512 IN TIAA e NISSOURT. BOTANICAL GARDEN od MISSOURI BOTANICAL EQO066325 GARDEN (MO) JARDIN BOTANICO DE QUIME xo) 7) Pa ie ® n 1g g a) cm (oy < > a ° [S)
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