OCR text
d . a j BES) J9y99YC BRYOPHYTES OF YUNNAN, CHINA | KUNMING--EDINBURGH--GOTHENBURG EXPEDITION 1993 <P aitc) coli % Aneura crateriformis Furuki & Long DIQING PREFECTURE: Bai Ma Shan, mountains S of W i : pass, 28°23'N, 99°01'E Nat. Hist. Mus.& Inst., Chiba (CBM) Open mountain valley; on damp open peaty ground by Aneura crateriformis Furuki et Long, sp. nov. stream Alt. 4295m 5 June 1993 annotated by T. Furuki, 15 Jan. 1994 D.G. LONG No. 24056 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN q EDINBURGH ; MA 00774515 i NTUITOTUTTOOTIITUATINVED a 2po2 S3aLld i r . $ q ¥ 5 : _ | 2 ” i f Ss > ie i <e) oO sy * t $ a iif | = Q iw be . > RS [ oi e. o we im S| E wi OO me h : = A. ‘ } : foe) Fe pale if 5 ie ae ee nos : Bho te <u «f 6 vas wn ig S 55 8 = 4 a : 28) 22 3 si o Lal md) <q I E ec 2 | ke g = hae 3G 2 eee ° oO o wo =| O w ia % xO | © @& = E = bl w a oOo n oe = O&
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