OCR text
3 cT o Se “~ ee Tl | EX HERB. BALFOUR. ; | - 183 Socreras Boranica EDINENSIS. Vp dlicarda Vu llunhs HK wr Bind enc ee Comm. Henslow. a7. Coll. &@ 25 DAR: a France. ROYAL POTN Been till | ROYAL EEO: fay DEN Boal PEUnG cee ee SO SURG pales i | | | | EN EN Coll. Dr. Leo of Metz. Comm. Charles C. Babington. aD 24 i Bill been a Sila poy sere Chae Fecge Me flere, S | o ran he co) n = a <= | Sy rede) P) ro} ° 3)
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