OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00749990 | TNUOL NU OH TTT xo} ® < ce on 4 ~~ £ Da - > Qa 9° oO 6S FLORA MELITENSIS ©€X Herb. Acad. Rheno-Trai. Crassula vaillantii (Willd.) Roth Hab.: Insula Gozo; limestone plateau with garrigue vegetation in erosion gullies W. of the northern part of Munxar. Plentiful in one moist pocket. The whole plant flushed red, espe the 4 carpels. Elev.70 me. Leg.: K. U. Kramer & L. Y. Th. Westra No. 4413 dd. 15 - IV. 1969 Det.: id.
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