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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN og 0 HERB. HORT. EDINB. MeG0493 ROYAL copyright reserved RBGE New Zealand Australia Expedition Umbelliferae Aciphylla kirkii Buchanan New Zealand: The Remarkables Mountain -Range Skifield. Alpine stable scree and amongst grass tussocks. 2000 m. 45°3'44"S, 168°49'8"E Very common rosette perennial herb with deep tap root, solitary or forming small clumps of 3 or 4. Female plants with inflorescences to 35cm, axis green to yellow/brown, bracts green with orange sheaths, maturing fruit black, sap milky. ENZAT No. 510 22 Feb 1998 M.Rixon, P.Thomas, V.Tregidda, MF wateas
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet