OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ing NM HERB. HORT. EDINB. a ON2AT G&L trwh Taker pv Riomng A (EE) S20 Fide Side Uechinnr S/48. EA Ked ford RBGE New Zealand Australia Expedition Umbelliferae Aciphylla kirkii Buchanan New Zealand: Slopes below Mount Cardroma. Alpine tussock grassland. 1770 m. 44°57'3"S, 168°56'40"E Rosette perennial, often aggregated into clumps to 50cm across, leaflets broad, leathery; orange margin; male ana female spikes to 45cm; sap milky. ENZAT No. 482g [ ?\ - 20 Feb 1998 M.Rixon, P.Thomas, V.Tregidda, M.F.Watson xe, co) . co) n 2 Ca <= dD a Pa 2 fe) oa MQ00493
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