OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wn yin HERB. HORT. EDINB. SHeT Qa RBGE New Zealand Australia Expedition Umbelliferae Aciphylla cf. aurea W.R.B.Oliv. New Zealand: Canterbury: SW Slopes of Mount Southey, above Lake Tennyson (lower site), Sub alpine grass tussocks below scree. 1150 m. 42°12'40"S, 172°44'30"B Rosette perennial herb with spiny leaves and inflorescences, often agregated into clum 8 of 2-4 flowering rosettes; leaves with a orange-yellow margin; male infloresc : 75cm, mainly finished; female ones infructescences to 1m, golden-yellow. ENZAT No. 329 M.Rixon, P.Thomas, V.Tregidda, M.F Watson MQG0493 x] a) ba he ® 7) ) i a = oe = ES 2. am a)
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