OCR text
| ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00743116 FLORA OF BURMA (NORTH) KACHIN STATE Sumprabum Sub-Division Eastern approaches from Sumprabum to Kumon Range LAT. c. 26°40N. LONG. c. 97°20B. Loc. Kanang, On eastern aspects of Gwe-Kya-Kat- Bum. By pathsides and near streams in mixed deciduous and evergreen forest with Shorea, Alnus, Podocarpus and Caphalotaxus species. Rare, Date 24st January 1962 Alt,-5000 ft. J. Keenan, U Tun Aung & U Tha Hla No3374 — sy + a ATCO TOO CONT So ci = i co n - ed <= a = > Qa ° [S)
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