OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00743037 iW FLORA OF BURMA (SOUTH) TENASSERIM DIVISION Tavoy District Area within a radius of 12 miles from Paungdaw LAT. c. 14°N. LONG. c. 98°30E. Loc: : a poets ASErisranc South of Paungdaw Power Station, 4 mile, on river bank, Epiphytic on riverside tree, Rare, Only seen by riverside, Flowers terminal, erect, raceme yellow, On main trunks of small trees, Date August 1961 Ait. - 800; £6, J. Keenan, U Tun Aung and R. H. Rule No. 5345 a ATTNUCOUCOEOTCATTN copyright reserved
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