OCR text
Saxifraga stellaris 1. subsp. Stellaris vergens ad Saxifraga stellaris L. subsp. alpigena TM. 1954 rev. E, TEMESY EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. No. 04)L.C. 16th, Bel Species... MMA MMA. MAL RDENT Bele Sie 12: ULV i ssnaneeyeien cheat FORMATION = GH. | Date os Kit ee AL ROYAL eonene a i | copyright reserved EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. NEOL eee Spectes.. , Saxifraga stellaris ue LE ee subsp. stellaris Locality ... Me, iu. Saxi stellaris L. pe Oe amare vergens ad oe ae er TOM es LU cssacx isin clad bute be YO. Goll Ad 1954 rev. KE. TEMESY ROYAL eeu pa boeN
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