OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. LZ copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00737066 Specimen used for illustration by Rosemary Wise S 2 4 5. a he oo (2008). Sangha Trees. P: "9 Flora of Central African Republic Ochnaceae Campylospermum engama_ (De Wild.) Farron Det: Bissiengou, P 2014 Sangha-Mbaere: Madibwé, close to St. Francois road, c. 12 km NE of Bayanga. 2°58'N, 16°18'E Tree 3 m high. Flowers yellow. Much branched inflorescence expanding in fruit. Spirit material. Collector: Harris, DJ 7878 28 May 2001 BN shech I+ 2 fron Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) an j ae
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