OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. a | xo] co) Pad i cc) 7) ® i od <= Da ‘- > 2. ° oe Campylospermum oliverianum (Gilg) Farron 2002. Flora of Central African Republic Ochnaceae Campylospermum sulcatum (Tiegh.) Farron Det: Harris, DJ 20 March 2015 Sangha-Mbaere: 25 km SE of Bayanga, Kongana research camp. f 2°47'N, 16°25'E Shrub 50 cm high. Calyx yellowish-red in young fruit. aa Collector: Harris, DJ 4571 | | | | | 11 February 1994 eA aM he E00737051 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) — —— ————w—
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