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HERB. HORT. EDINB. OV 0 un © a ®Q = copyright reserved ; _ , _ Flora of China Sino-British Qinghai Expedition, 1997 Ericaceae (93.01) Rhododendron cf. capitatum Maxim. China: Qinghai: Huzhu Tu Aut. Co.: Upper Zhalonggou Valley, near Nanzhangzhagon village. Amongst Salix scrub. 2735 m. B6C46UN 0223205 Aromatic subshrub 30 cm. ; Sino-British Qinghai Expedition 1997 No. ay 1195 Hi 24 Jul 1997 Coll Dp. Geanong Ge Brickell wR geD McBeath, E.J. Strangman, R. Steele, x.-F Lu, D.-S. Deng, S.-R. Zhang na ci ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iyi
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