OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN nq 0 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Sino Scottish Exp. to North West Yunnan : Ericaceae Rhododendron rupicola W.W.Sm. var. chryseum (Balf.f & Kingdon-Ward) Phili & M.N.Philipson é tae China: Yunnan, NW: Déqén Zang Aut. Pref.: Zhongdian Co.: Hill above Napa Hai. Clearings in forest, near open moorland. 3820 m. Small shrub, c.60cm; flowers yellow. SSY No. 318 6 Jun 1992 xe) ® Pa + ) 77) e ood c£ f°)] r= ) 2. fo. co) MQ@Q0589
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