OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | DIN oo B 73 URG H 675 HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ@QQ0589 TS ® = i“ wy 7] 4 ood a Da = I Qa ° oO Sino Scottish Exp. to North West Yunnan Ericaceae Rhododendron trichostomum Franch. China: Yunnan, NW: Déqén Zang Aut. Pref.: Zhongdian Co.: 34km from Zhongdian to Geza. Dry N-facing rocks and slopes, among shrubs. 3110 m. Evergreen shrub, to 70cm; foliage greyish; flowers pink om bud, opening pink or white. SSY No. 230 j 31 May 1992 b
HERB. HORT. EDINB. xo, a) =] he ® n : a ont fey - > a fe) oO Sino Scottish Exp. to North West Yunnan Ericaceae Rhododendron trichostomum Franch. China: Yunnan, NW: Déqén Zang Aut. Pref.: Zhongdian Co.: 34km from Zhongdian to Geza. Dry N-facing rocks and slopes, among shrubs. 3110 m. Evergreen shrub, to 70cm; foliage greyish; flowers pink om bud, opening pink or white. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN SSY No. 230 EDINBURGH TL 31 may 1992 0073675 EO
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