OCR text
xo} co) co) 72) ie aay con 7) 4 om a THE FLORA OF OMAN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH (E) Family: Gramineae Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf. Locality: Dhofar: Wadi Aful, Jabal Qamar WG 352° 24.3) N'53°437 407" = (WGS84). ALT. 95 m. Habitat: Wadi with Boswellia sacra and Acridocarpus sp. nov. Description: Tufted perennial to 60 cm. Leaves glaucous, to 15 cm. Racemes never deflexed, villous with white hairs, pedicelled spikelet villous or pubescent, | SF VE y ee a Collectors: Knees, MacKinnon, MacLaren, Page (KMMP) No. 324 ‘ANIC GARDEN ROTA INBURGH E00696010 /y ce - ill . Date: 08 SEP 2014
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