OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH | E00702141 HERBARIUM VADENSE Cia f Plants collected by A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, West Africa, 1958-1959. sthh Campylospermum glaberrimum a : let esa = (P Beauv.) Farron Ouratea glaberrima (P.Beauv.) Engle ex Gilg Det.:P. Bissiengou 11.X 2013 b Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Hab.: Ivory Coast. Forét de l’Abouabou, between Abidjan and Grand Bassam. Alt. 2 m. Coastal rain forest. White sandy soil. 3 calyx ‘ « te black; fr Campylospermun glaberrimun (P, Beauv.) Far- — Ee ie eet ala C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19.74. d.d. beI~195 Vern. name: = rie copyright reserved MARBAGCGA
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH | E00702141 HERBARIUM VADENSE Cia f Plants collected by A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, West Africa, 1958-1959. sthh Campylospermum glaberrimum a : let esa = (P Beauv.) Farron Ouratea glaberrima (P.Beauv.) Engle ex Gilg Det.:P. Bissiengou 11.X 2013 b Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Hab.: Ivory Coast. Forét de l’Abouabou, between Abidjan and Grand Bassam. Alt. 2 m. Coastal rain forest. White sandy soil. 3 calyx ‘ « te black; fr Campylospermun glaberrimun (P, Beauv.) Far- — Ee ie eet ala C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19.74. d.d. beI~195 Vern. name: = rie copyright reserved MARBAGCGA
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet