OCR text
Ds MINNA OOOO TOTTI copyright reserved WoLECTOTYPE IN ' ROYALE BOTANIC sane of Qucadba. wee bert cogel Pern eke cesxs i il il | < _ Campylospermum lacu. in oat. Laceae. wilh. eerpnasin. zm (gaan (Tiegh.) Farron g m Det.:P. Bissiengou Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium 15 .X 2013 Vadense (WAG) G. Zenker, Flora ' von 1 Kamerun. Campylospermum..glaucun.....(van..Tieghem)...Par- Fe onl Cough Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19.74... 190 4;
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