OCR text
Campylospermum sulcatum (Tiegh.) Farron 02 .XIl .2004 Det.:P. Bissiengou Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Campylospermum oliveranum (Gilg)Farron C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 1974...... OurpATeA OLIVER LANA - GILG. Botanical Name Occ Hy ACERE Kighste:. . Tw: Natural Order Vernacular Name NN Cc Uses 3 KR. bua . Habitat [atrza Pe Collected by Aetiarbk Remarks ¢ agp Ohitr- I a At the dovcot ee : oe ie ALaw | (asrw? Date Pypwk (9 e) Number 4 G3 EDINBURGH iil 00702100 | | Determined by Imperial Forestry Institute, Oxford Date I2/ 2 1227. & geen | | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | 10 copyright reserved SI Ne u S S S =
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