OCR text
goo ron neagiondolcoum Komp}O LY P Det. .CO4 I, Holmeo-Smiln 15-11-45 “ ¢g 3 RANCHO SANTA ANA BOTANIC GARDEN PLANTS OF CALIFORNIA / no. 41152 Mono COUNTY ssp glonA af Os 20MA Ledum glandulosum Nutt. es iene ssp. glandulosum SIERRA NEVADA, INYO NATIONAL FOREST: Cola Water Campground, elev. c. 9000 ft, moist shaded meadow along Cold Water Creek, lodge- pole forest with Pinus contorta murrayana, Tsuga mertensiana, Abies magnifica; small Roy EDINBURGH shrub c. 1/3 m.3 flowers white. | ROBERT F. THORNE 9 John Dourley 3 August 1o77 1 E00712402 & Selwyn Everist mr re ok) --7-) Al a BER: Ba Om Ge copyright reserved
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