OCR text
Lot SERRE aoe TACOMA RHODODENDRON SOCIETY eines Number 199.0000... R. occidentale Survey Location On..U..S..Highway..101,.. 3. mi..south..of..Denmark,.. ‘Curry. CO»-5--Oregon- Date ...629=854.. Altitude _..... 50...£%..... Collectors: Edward P. Breakey Leonard F. Frisbie Situation ..In.a.lowland..cow.. pasture,..semi-beg-most-—of-the- MOAT oe Soil ..... Light..aand with liberal mixture.of.hunus Dominant plants in association ...... Short leaf, shore pine. State of inflorescence to BS, Dominant color Color of corolla Mostly..deep.. -pink,...some--white—. Width of corolla .........2... ee tact Prominence of blotch .......... EL EUs treet eae neem eee Color of blotch Tn asan. -Ywllew.--6/3 Markings Heavy.,..better. than. ‘50%. deep..pink......... Color of Seog Carmen--Rose-621, Noy ofmstamens).. Bs tenn eR: eee eee Length of stamens ........ ee oe. Leaves (check) oblanceolate ..............! ee ObOVate aed OV ETC Te cc sraese ns Optic’ as eset cts ee of leaves ..2.5/1.6.".. Width ....... gee... Pubescens Slight.,..immature..foliage ee 2 1/8", light pink, Calyx Lie", Buds & tube Cardinal Red 822/P | Pist Sie : corolla Cherry Red 722, All color designe feons from Bra tish Merticolt ural Co lop ho ope ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved
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