OCR text
i es 06 [--7--) GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved TACOMA RHODODENDRON SOCIETY, Inc, Number Sb62..2........... R. occidentale Survey LocatioNortheast..of..Sixes,..0regon,..Lower..slopes..of..Sugar..Loaf..Mount.,... Date 9229 —=54 eae Altitude 1200..f%, 2 Collectors: Edward P. Breakey } ay: se Leonard F. Frisbie Situation .On.a.hillside,:..Clay..soil.highly..retentive..of..moisture......... Soil ..... Shot...clay..and...gra-v.ed....wLtWn.s. Ome LU as gence eer eer eceeeeeeereneeneneeceeeeeeeeeeaeaes | Dormant ptaniecinwescocia tion... OUR AM NT pc ls tcenccogacunntecennepeenesdestnurtcbetemmunenenndatnensennct State of inflorescence ..............-.- S No. of flowers per truss Color of corolla ....50%..white,-rest-medium-pink,.. Width of corolla .......... en" —* Prominence of blotch Prominent,..medium..deep.......... Color of blotch Indian..Yellow/1. Markings 50%. median pinks. 9c... SiS ew Color of markings Carmeh..Rose621/1 No. of stamens -.:e::..-.-.- ee Length of stamens ........ 168. ee oe Leaves (check) oblanceolate ........ Dales s, . obovate Seer GVOLE since tence elliptic 1" Length of leaves A" b0.2" width ot 0 3/4 BuvescensMefinite. Pistat' 2", 1 isht pink, >. Calyx7t% ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN : 4 ve EDINBURGH l Au ea bie dessynotems Sr om forectesh H ort, cvlturya/ Calor Ghactk E00712146
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet