OCR text
Sera REA BEEETS eet Mak re copyright reserved PLANTS OF CALIFORNIA Siskiyou County 7948 AZALEA OCCIDENTALIS T. & C. Upder Soda Spring A. A. Heller, Collector June 1, 1905 AZALEA OCCIDENTALIS ‘T. & G. Pac. R. R. Rep. 4: 110. 1857. Rhododendron occidentale Gray, Bot. Cal. 1: 458. 1876. No. 7948, collected June 1, along the Sacramento opposite Upper Soda Spring, Siskiyou county, in moist thickets. It is common along the upper Sacramento in moist places from Pit ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN river north. ‘The species occurs almost throughout the State EDINBURGH and was first detected in the Bay region by Douglas. Hartweg | next collected it “in uliginosis prope Santa Cruz,” but these E00712136 earlv snecimens were referred to the eastern Azalea calendulacea = Fee kee af ‘> ea eee ee
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet