OCR text
ie) Zz es I ° i) bar ae [o>] Ba? eae) o8 copyright reserved Plants of California Rhodod: rmicum Hooks Pt Cum HOOK Abundant shrub on edges of forest of Sequoia sempervirens, Lithocarpus,etc. Flse clear pink in dense clusters to 6" across. Leaves hard with some brow fur on reverse Shrubs to 15ft.tall 1lert through. 7 gg p Mendocino — county ¢ Matro Lb ; #.pieSep-along rd t ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Pry im & Don tia tts Pon Hy st at NOHO « 500 A. EDINBURGH May 10 1952. | | Det. D. F. Chamberlain [473 E. K. BALLS, Collector No B795, E007 12045
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