OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQ0589 ao) o Pd ee o a o I a <£ — — a) 2. ° (S) E00073523 Det. Elizabeth Georgian April 11, 2013 Rhododendron forrestii I. B. Balfour ex Diels Wisconsin State Herbarium (WIS) Tibet Exp. 1995 - K. Rushforth et al: Ericaceae Rhododendron chamaethomsonii (Tagg & Forrest) Cowan & Davidian China: Xizang: Attempt on the Doshong La. Open moorland. 3800 m. Shrub, to 50cmm. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Rushforth, K.D. No. 3522 EDINBURGH HM ei 073523 Eoo ill
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