OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN eT HH HERB. HORT. EDINB. PLANTS OF SULAWEST Euphorbiaceae Antidesma stipulare Bl. Sulawesi Utara; 250 km Ww. Of Gorontalo; 75 km inland from Papayuto, on tributary of Sungai Papayuto. 0°45’N; 121°30°E? Alt. 150 m. Tree 15 m tall, 29 cm dbh: outer bark dark Grey; 9 inner bark (pate brown; flower yellow. JS. Burley Turkirin et all, 4222 30 March, 1990 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE ae, o ® m7 ‘ hes pa = D a > rt ° )
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