OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN In HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of China dos Ericaceae Rhododendron olen u al Am China: Sichuan, S: Liangshan Yi Aut. Pref.: Leibo Co.: Jin Pin Mountains, above Leibo. Amongst large boulders near stream. Mixed Rhododendron and deciduous forest. Very species rich. 2850 m. One sterile plant, to 3f£t; leaves thick: slightly rugulose above; indumentum shiny, fawn. A very distinctive plant with indumentum perhaps closest to R. insigne. Cox, P. & Hutchison, P. No. 7046 25 Sep 1995 OE ) 2 a ® § 72) 2 aoe £ Do <= ) 2. ° oO MQQQ589
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