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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Oo) 0 wn a g g = ROYAL BOTANIC copyright reserved ¢ 2 Ss als. Re aff. hippo phar ovcles, ere. Dee DP Cho mbe Lai Oct 96 Flora of China ; Ericaceae Rhododendron subsect. lapponica China: Sichuan: Liangshan Yi Aut. Pref.: Daliang Shan between Meigu and Leibo. Shrubby hillside with R. racemosum, R. polylepis & R. decorum. 3380-3700 m. Dwarf evergreen shrub to 3 feet often upright but not fastigiate more or less according to elevation and shelter Leaves glaucous to dark or pale green. Style c.3-5mm long, flower pale to deep lavander. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wo 0 ga Cox, P. & Hutchison, P. No. 7022 22 Sep 1995
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet