OCR text
(Gerd Taubenheim —Orchis laxitlora lam. det/corr. 7 79 7P & 40487 GT Dy hes lax florea Loe Det. 7. es ; eee 797 rele Laxiflors Len, i ff sehen 17 July {374 FLORA or TURKEY M.J.E.COODE and B.M.G.JONES. ro] ® Ps i ae 72) o hs — — iy Ss P-) fol ° oO B2 KUTAHYA: Simav; Kigir to Akdag » near | Kicir. 1100m. Marshy slope with running water. Flowers purplish. N@ ; 2674 19 JUNE 1965 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH IL Mm ae -
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