OCR text
Ornelas palustris Jaeg. Detar (Gi eh July 1924 FLORA of FURRET M.J.E.COODE and B.M.G.JONES. A5 ORUM :12 miles Alaca to Sungurlu. 4200me Marshy ground. Flowers pink. Spur flattened ore ee at apex | | Labellum shallowly 5-lobe medium lobe very small ee N@: 1674 28. Ve 1965 OYAL POGRee ares RDEN (i inl Orch. palustris JACh..... | det/cor Z. 719. ia +483 27. (Gerd Taubenheim) 3 o Po a ® 7) ® k= m hey i ES rot ° a)
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