OCR text
—— ee SS ee: SE ae EE x HERB. HORT. EDINB. oO’ 0 wn 2g g g =] Flora of NW India Ericaceae Rhododendron arboreum Sm. ssp. arboreum pradesh: South of Bathaad following a tributary of the Tintern River in the Great Himalayan National Park. In partial shade on light loam on a very steep west facing mountainside in a narrow cool north/south ravine, 30m above a fast moving skveun with eames well tchiane, Picea smithiana, Aesculus indica, Salix and Populus. 2185 m. India: Himachal Evergreen shrub to en with pele grey and fawn ridged bark much covered with nossjeiiieic ese ©O. 17cm e oct Oot mid-green above and pale silvery green below with raised vein, n° indumentum, entire, stout yellow green peo ee eee above, green oblong capsules to 2.3cm with ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN style to 4.5cm. EDINBURGH en te R i A McNamara, A. | | es ‘ Oct 1993 s E00073176
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