OCR text
\, HERB. HORT. EDINB. i ASST NNOnI TOOHTINNUATIED xo} oO > — ® ” ® a a=) — iy = >| [oe ° (3) gue Po or: graminifolia (D. Don) Hoch. PLANTS of CEYLON Ratnapura District ‘Arundia Locality About 4 miles s.w. of Weddagala Sinharaja Forest. Occurrence Occasional on fresh fill of road embankment in tall rain-forest on dissected ground, yellow loamy soil from disintegrating rock. Date October 27, 1976 Alt. 2100-23001 Coll. oh R- Fosberg & No. 56516 Shelton Waas Remarks Erect, flower with conspicuous bright purple lip. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH | 00693972 Ceylon Flora Project
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet