OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00684197 Flora of China Collected by T. Marczewski, D. Chamberlain, R. Milne, J. Liu T. Marczewski 51 Ericaceae - Rhododendron - Subgenus Hymenanthes Rhododendron traillianum hybrid (x roxieanum) China, Yunnan, Laojun Shan Lat: 26° 37' 49.3" N - Long: 099° 43'30.6"E - Alt.: 3838m Date: 02 September 2007 Other Rhododendron species in subsection Taliensia in close proximity: R. beesianum, R. clementinae, R. roxieanum Individual code: TRX20 Deposited in: E, KUN ao] ci) 2 +. o n o fw col = = = 4) 2. ° oO MQQ0589
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