OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. m ¢ ® 2g ® = Plants of Indonesia Annonaceae copyright reserved Determined by: Locality: Bomeo. W. Kalimantan. Serawai. .5 km east of Nanga Jelundung towards Ng. Rantu Malam. Banks above Sungai Serawai. Lat.: O° 298) 465" is Long: 112° 32' 31° E Habitat Alt. 120 m Disturbed primary forest, major associates includes: Mangifera, Artocarpus, Archidendron, Ilex, Macaranga. Red clay soil, semi-light exposed area. Occasional. Morphology: Small tree 3 m tall, 2.5 cm dbh. Bark light grey. Leaves dull pale green beneath, light green above. Cal oli shiny. Tepals cream, fragrant (like tuak). ote rae Local name: Notes: Church, A.C., Ismail ,Ruskandi, A 2732 ‘ ROVAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ana x Q@ Aor? Friday, October 27, 1995 alt HERBARIUM BOGORIE Det. (( c NSE £00071519 ie Vuayoos HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA
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