OCR text
s ~~ * a . ae) > : ~ * * * { a ¥ AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Wz Ss Department of Biogeography and Geomorphology 7 cS CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA Ph.D. thesis study Taxonomy, Ecology and Biogeography of ADEWANTHOS Labill. date 197 - 07-2 pee f. **p: p. eseee Ase re -- E. Charles Nelson study code Ea N ly ] WSed/not used in computer analysis ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved 6 Than Ld vok brave ler. atliebad “ Goud % R39, He wre wiked 4 : tu lon Avsteths ; R Well, catlaLadk Gy Go idee | Sonn GubeRT nh 139 El Ee] 2° 3 4a 5 | 0) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Iwi | 3 }
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet