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as MLE betel ab Ba oh) ROYAL BOTANIC aa) cs) 9 copyright reserved = 3 3 aaa 7 6 ROYAL BOTAN!C GARDEN § CLASS HERBARIUM =z 5 mr FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. 1 AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Department of Biogeography and Geomorphology CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA 0 cota Ph.D. thesis study HERB. OF DR, A. MORRISON. Taxonomy, Ecology and Biogeography of z LATHE ADENANTHOS Labill. BEQUEATHED, 1915. Adenanthos Preven dis Sasi eteal io: als eiciarelsie eters Adena nthes aprerl ake WR, date 1974 - 07. Ly : povay soya canon ttt Shela Aline + omer mion | Mtg ber, MevreK, WO. | | etudy code {| EDN 39; ) Kopp used in computer analysis { = 00666926 CHAIN. IJ. 1. 1408 |
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet