OCR text
AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Department of Biogeography and Geomorphology CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA Ph.D. thesis study Taxonomy, Ecology and Biogeography of ADENANTHOS Labill. Adenanthos ABICA,. hobll . - Meaziesir date ; 1974 -O7 -2 = Non dmeterminavit= ve s7fi [fh voc dh ocicies Mop h bo sas 610s E. Charles Nelson study code [ ; EAN Se ] wsedt/not used in computer analysis '. 8. Brown, Iter Australiense, 1802—5. [Presented by direction of J. J. Bennett, 1876,] f tr j ALONG LLID+ BEPTEA i Ad : ror | Yet Garg? lau? e Os og Z rs = ‘ at ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ca an EDINBURGH AAI Bee fT ai E00694855 copyright reserved
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