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ROYAL BOTANIC CoP Way a BSB) } Oe) copyright reserved AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSTTY Department of Biogeography and Geomorphology CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA Ph.D. thesis study Taxonomy, Ecology and Biogeography of ADENANTHOS Labill. ancephila... Ns desc ACENOPCUD Sars larsicowrssste x lei8!ain a] eleisie se sie dials s/w vine oo ste eee collected E. Charles Nelson number (study code) ANU : 736 date of collection 197 2 HS <6 Te qpcation oth Anne, fen een (A ee io Woe Avct habitat 1 flower colour shrub height determinavit E Charles Nelson..........e.eeceeeueee Slessie.0 seis date 197 - o ROYAL Psd bi ae | not used in computer analysis
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet