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bs yet lon) SEEH oa 83 One eels} AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY copyright reserved Department of Biogeography and Geomorphology CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA Ph.D. thesis study Taxonomy, Ecology and Biogeography of ADENANTHOS Labill. barle 1A ero ae | { , AAENARTHOR so wore sales Soe see a Repiei*)0/e\s/5'm.0)v/o's\sisicie o's ewisiaievisivie = collected E. Charles Nelson number (study code) ANU (a) (> | date of collection 197.5 OF- iS ? 7 location potte of. Cet Ree at ) \ : ton off, Nannop Penbetor wA habitat flower colour shrub height Rotermintavit (2. Charles INCISonvsde) ose seceyssscn sss. date 197 - - ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH not used in computer analysis E00694786
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet