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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ~” - so 2 ® = Nf 9.10 copyright reserved FLORA OF THAILAND Annonaceae Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray Sp. Det.: Pramote Triboun Prachin Buri: Na Di: Khao Yai National Park. Trail to Heo Narok waterfall. 380 m altitude. iS 14°17 197 Ne 10122326" B ; Lowland evergreen forest. Shrub 40 cm tall. Leaves dark green above, paler beneath. Calyx green. Perianth white. Stamens yellow. Fruit green. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN D.J. Middleton, C. Hemrat, M. Poopath & P. Triboun 5621 EDINBURGH ‘ 20 Aug. 2012 | | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH (E) FOREST HERBARIUM BANGKOK (BKF) E00683668 = BANGKOK HERBARIUM (BK)
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