OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00691827 HERB. HORT. EDINB. AGRWV10/27 ex- NATIONAL HERBARIUM OF NEW SOUTH WALES ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, SYDNEY Chorizandra sphaerocephala R. Br, Lat. 34 ° 32 'S Long. 459° 34’E, Alt. m Bee. Butlers Swamp, on Tourist Road, N.S.W, - c. 3 km direct N. of Kangaloon. Coll. kL. Wilson 4386 Date 28.4. 1982 Notes Open swamp with some sphagnum down gentle slope in woodland of Euc. mannifera, BE. radiata, E. sieberi, E. ligustrina, Banksia aspleniifolia. Occasional in swamp - culms bright ereen (cf. C. cymbaria nearby - KLW 4387). ; Also Gymnoschoenus Sphaerocephalus, rubiginosa, Lepidosperma Heesia. |, longitudinale, apogon. Schoenus ST 2757 Baumea | xo} co) Pa ie o 7) oO al ao oo = Es) Qa fe) (2)
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