OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mg HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of China Sino-British Qinghai Expedition, 1997 Ericaceae (93.01) Rhododendron thymifolium Maxim. China: Qinghai: Golog Zang Aut. Pref.: Maqgén Co.: Dongkehe Pass, between Dongqingqou and Xueshan. Open scrubby hillside. 4000 m. Shrub 1.2 m; corolla purple. Sino-British Qinghai Expedition 1997 No. 413 9 Jul 1997 Colley Dace long eG. Brickell, Oe De McBeath, E.J. Strangman, R. Steele, X.- Lu, D.-S. Deng, S.-R. Zhang ae com, ® Pad i i) n 2 at as D ‘= Py 2. fe. () MQQ0589
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet